Tag Archives: Relationships

The Lord Will Remove All Idols.

The Lord Will Remove All Idols.

The Lord wants us to have healthy relationships which bring us value. However, any person, relationship, friendship, support structure which becomes an idol and replaces your trust in the Lord will be removed from your life, so that your trust will not be in people but in the Lord alone.

Jeremiah 17:5-6, Thus says the LORD, “Cursed is the man who trusts in and relies on mankind, Making [weak, faulty human] flesh his strength, And whose mind and heart turn away from the LORD.
For he will be like a shrub in the [parched] desert; And shall not see prosperity when it comes, But shall live in the rocky places of the wilderness, In an uninhabited salt land. (Ampl) Continue reading

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Filed under Purpose, Relationship, Teaching

Learn To Follow The Holy Spirit.

Learn To Follow The Holy Spirit.

Many years ago a man was about to get married but on the day of the traditional wedding, he refused to show up for the ceremony.
The bride’s family sent emissaries to him to beg him to show up because guests were already gathered at the venue. The man refused to leave his house. They sent more emissaries and at 5pm that day he turned up for the wedding.
The man did not want to go ahead with that wedding. That was the RESTRAINT of the Holy Spirit, holding him back, cautioning him, giving him a warning, but he listened to the voices of men rather than obey the voice of God.

That marriage was hell for that man. It was one problem after another. After a few years the woman divorced him. She never wanted a husband. All she wanted was children and as soon as she had her children she got rid of the man. He went through many challenges and died at the prime of his life.

This is a true life story. I know that man and I also know the lady involved. The woman was not evil or wicked. They were not just meant for each other. They were never meant to get married. They were never meant to be together. When you are with someone you are not meant to be with all you will see is their weaknesses and bad side. You will never see or enjoy anything good in them. Continue reading


Filed under Guidance, Purpose, Relationships

Dealing With Dangerous Snakes.

Snakes are dangerous because you never see them coming.

I am talking about people who hate you, are envious of you, who see nothing good in you, who are angry at your progress, angry at your success and happiness, who secretly wish you evil and plan to sabotage and bring you down. Continue reading

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Filed under Relationships, Teaching

Your Success Is In The Hands Of Strangers.

Hello everyone,
I have something interesting to share with you today. It is about strangers.


When we were children our parents told us not to talk to strangers. They wanted to protect us. That advice worked well as long as we were children. It protected us from some crazy people out there. However, as adults, that advice is redundant, even dangerous. There is absolutely nothing good we can achieve in life without the help of strangers. To be successful in life we need strangers.

Your money is in the hands of strangers. Your success is in the hands of strangers. Your progress is determined by strangers. Favour is waiting for you with strangers. Strangers determine your future.

Success is determined by how many people we can influence or persuade to get behind our cause, to buy our products and services. The more people we can influence, the better for us.

We have to connect with as many people as possible and talk to them about the value that we have to offer. The people you know are not enough to take you to the next level. Your present contacts are not enough to help your dream fly. You require the help of people you’ve never met before in your life to assist you and take you to the next level.

Many of your friends cannot help you.
Many of your contacts cannot help you.
Many people who helped you in the past cannot help you now.
Their season to help and assist you is over.
To move to the next level, you need strangers. Continue reading


Filed under Guidance, Purpose, Relationships, success

It is a mistake to put your trust in man.

It is a mistake to put your trust in any man.

There are some good people in this world, but human nature is essentially evil. To put your trust in any man is to jeopardize your life.

Jesus knew this. He experienced it in his life and ministry.

In John 2:23-25, And when He was in Jerusalem in the Passover, in the Feast, many believed in His name, beholding His signs that He was doing.But Jesus on His part did not did entrust Himself to them, because of His knowing all men,and because He had no need that anyone should testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man.

When he was entering Jerusalem, thousands came out to celebrate him, even wanted to make him king but he refused because he knew the nature of man, that it was essentially evil.

In his ministry Jesus healed hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. They followed him for miracles, for loaves of bread and fish. However, when the true test came everyone of them abandoned him. Continue reading

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Filed under Teaching

A Millionaire Taught Me Three Lessons.

1. Years ago, I met a millionaire. He taught me 3 lessons.
1. Never ask your friends for financial help. They will look down on you.
2. No matter how bad things are, always look good. Do not let anyone see you sweat.
3. Do not spread your problems around. People will avoid you.

2. When you are a millionaire and start asking other millionaires for help, that means you have fallen. They will never send opportunity your way because you have become a financial risk.
Ask for advice.
Don’t ask for money.
Your dignity and respect are intact.

3. I watched this on 700club.
A millionaire fell into financial difficulty. He didn’t ask anybody for help. He didn’t declare bankruptcy to protect his personal assets.
He started SELLING his property to pay back debts.
Don’t beg for money.
Ask for advice.
Friends will respect you.

4. You guys are under the dangerous assumption that all your friends want you to be successful. Some are envious of your success.
It was Joseph’s brothers who wanted to destroy him. Friends could have done worse.
Maintain your dignity, self respect and honour.
Don’t ask for money.

5. Your friends don’t owe you money.
You cannot use friendship to compel or manipulate them to give you money.

Money is NOT a reward for friendship.
Money is a reward for value.

6. Called a friend who has connections on 3 continents. Big guy. I asked him how I can add value to his organisation. Shared some ideas with him. He was excited about the possibilities.

Do I need more money?
Never asked for $1.
Friendship, respect, honour intact.



Filed under Financial intelligence, Relationship, Relationships

Your Success Is Tied To People

Your Success is Tied To People.

Hello everyone. Welcome to 2019.

The difference between where you are today and where you want to be is people.
The difference between what you achieved in 2018 and what you could have achieved is people. The difference between the impact you have made in real terms and what you are really capable of is the people you have in your life.

There were some things you planned to accomplish in 2018 but you could not because you couldn’t find the right people to help you birth your dream or the people you found were a very bad match for you. Instead of helping you pursue your dream, they constituted an obstacle and a hindrance on your way.

Everyone has a horror story in their dealings with people. There were people who came into your life and you thought they were coming to help, support you but they turned out to be fiends; they betrayed and disappointed you in such a way you never contemplated possible. They came in as angels but left as demons. Continue reading

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Filed under Relationships, Teaching

Relationships and Seasons Of Life.


On our kingdom journey we will require the wisdom, help and support of other people. To think you can make it on your own, fulfil your kingdom assignment without the assistance, help, support of other people is self delusion. You may have an amazing talent, gift and ability but you still require the contribution of other people to help you pursue and actualise your divine purpose. God never intended any of us to pursue our assignment on our own.

The Lord will bring us into strategic relationships with a number of people. It is our duty and responsibility to understand the purpose of these relationships, understand their depth and understand the season of their relevance in our lives. If we don’t understand these three things, we will most probably make huge mistakes in our relationships. Continue reading


Filed under Teaching

How To Discern A Relationship From Hell

How To Discern A Relationship From Hell.

1. You regularly wake up in the middle of the night, or in the morning and ask yourself, with a nagging ache in your soul, ‘Why am I in this relationship?’ You are probably in a relationship from hell.

2. You are frustrated and confused. It seems as if you’ve lost your way. You feel out of sync with life and this person. You have this sinking feeling in your stomach that you are being drawn into something terrible, something bad. It is a feeling like walking in a desert when what you want to do is walk beside a beautiful ocean or lake. Continue reading


Filed under Relationships

Finding Mr Perfect or Mr Right?

Finding Mr Perfect or Mr Right?

Rachel believes that there’s a man who will connect with her emotionally and satisfy all her emotional needs.
Afida has searched for the man who will match her intellectually. A man who will not only understand the peculiar workings of her brilliant mind, but who will also challenge her to strive and become better.
Beatrice is a romantic. Her ideal man, who seems so elusive, will cook her nice meals, bring her flowers, take her shopping and fly her to exotic locations on holiday.

If you are searching for Mr Perfect, you may end up waiting a long time. There is no real flesh and blood man who meets ALL of these qualities. Such a man exists only in the imagination of many women. If you pursue this illusion, you will end up with a fake who will show you what you want to see until he entraps you with his lies.

Here are a few things to think through as you connect with your Mr Right. Continue reading


Filed under Single Ladies