Tag Archives: miracles

Paul And Silas Didn’t Pray For A Miracle.

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.” Acts 16:25-26

Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns in worship to the Lord. They were not praying and singing ‘to get a miracle ‘ or ‘to get a breakthrough’ or ‘to bring down heaven.’ They had no such intention or agenda.
Their prayer and praise was not manipulative, it wasn’t ‘putting pressure on heaven to move.’ No. They were simply worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth.

They were not asking the Lord to deliver them from that dungeon ‘through a miracle’ when that earthquake occurred. They did not ask for an earthquake to deliver them.
And that earthquake could have even been a natural occurrence without any divine intervention whatsoever. That was an earthquake region and earthquakes happened all the time. You will notice that Paul and Silas were not shocked that an earthquake occurred in that region. Earthquakes were normal in that region of the world. Continue reading

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Filed under power, Prayer, Teaching

Cry Out To Jesus, Not To Men.

Bartimaeus was blind. He heard that Jesus was passing by and he cried out to him: “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.” Read the story in Mark 10:46-52. Instead of helping him, the crowd who followed Jesus told him to keep quiet. They couldn’t help him, but they told him to be quiet.

A blind man needed help, instead of helping him, they wanted him to be silent, to remain where he had always been and continue to do what he had always done: beg them for help, be at their mercy, be their slave. Human nature is essentially evil. People are wicked in such a way you will never imagine.

You may not believe this but majority of people who know you do not want you to rise in life. They want you to keep asking them for help, to beg them for opportunity, to be at their mercy, so that they can continue to rule over you and make you their slave.
Bartimaeus called out to Jesus for help. They told him to shut up. People are wicked.

It is like Jeff Bezos is in town and asked to meet entrepreneurs. People who could help you be at that event refuse to help you gain access because they want to keep you poor.

People knew that the moment they helped Bartimaeus, they would lose control over him, he would no longer be their slave, so they told him to shut up and remain where he was: a beggar living in abject poverty. Few people really want to help you rise in life.
But Bartimaeus kept crying out to Jesus. He didn’t cry out to any man. He cried out to Jesus, who heard him and helped him. This is what the Lord wants you to know in this season. Do not cry out to man for help, rather cry out to Jesus and he will send you the help you need. Continue reading


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Obedience Is The Key To Miracles.

Hello everyone,
I have something to share with you on obedience.

Some of the most disobedient people on the planet are believers. Some of the most stubborn people on the planet are Christians. The Lord has told you to take some definite action months ago but until now you have done absolutely nothing about it, yet you have the audacity to question God why he is not blessing you, why he has not answered your prayers for financial breakthrough.
The problem is your blatant disobedience to instructions.

In John 9:7: He told him, “Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “sent”). So the man went and washed and came back seeing!

Jesus met a blind man. He spat on the ground, made some mud, rubbed it on the man’s eyes and told him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. The blind man found his way to that pool, washed and his sight was restored.
Why didn’t Jesus heal him instantly the way he healed so many people who had the same challenge? Why didn’t Jesus wave his hands over the man’s eyes and heal him? We don’t know. But what we do know is this: Jesus gave him instructions, told him to go and do something specific, ‘wash in the pool of Siloam.’ It was a definite instruction. ‘Wash in the pool of Siloam’ could not become; ‘take a bath in the swimming pool of the best Jewish resort in Rome.’ No. He had to do what he was instructed to do if he wanted to receive his miracle.
The man was told where to go.
He was told what to do when he got there.
He obeyed and he received his miracle. Continue reading

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Filed under Guidance, Teaching

How To Turn Water Into Wine.

How To Turn Water Into Wine.

Hello everyone. How are you doing today? I want to share with you this message the Lord dropped in my heart: how to turn water into wine.

The very first miracle that Jesus performed was at a wedding ceremony in Cana of Galilee. Being the very first miracle he performed, it will give us an insight into how Jesus operates, how he performs miracles and how we can align ourselves with his will to experience those same miracles in our lives.

There was an invitation.
Jesus was invited to the wedding. John 2:2, Now Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding.
It all begins with an invitation. An invitation is a powerful thing. An invitation gives you access to a place, to a person or to an event. In this instance Jesus was given an invitation to attend a wedding. An invitation is one of the protocols that heaven observes before it steps into the affairs of men. God does not show up in our lives unless and until he is given an invitation. The Psalmist said in Psalm 115:15, The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He has given to mankind. The earth belongs to men. For God to be an integral part of our lives, we have to be intentional about giving him an invitation. Continue reading


Filed under Teaching

What Exactly Do You Want?

What Exactly Do You Want?

In Mark 10:46-52, we read the story of Blind Bartimaeus. The Lord was coming out of Jericho, surrounded by his disciples and a large crowd. Bartimaeus sat by the road side begging for alms. When he heard that it was the Lord passing by, he shouted, ‘Yeshua, son of David, have mercy on me.’

The people who were closest to him warned him to keep quiet. They saw his condition, they saw that he needed help, they knew that the master was nearby and could help him, yet they told him to keep quiet. They weren’t the one who would heal him. They weren’t the one who would deliver him. They weren’t the one he was reaching out to, yet they warned him to be quiet.

The multitude can be dangerous. The multitude can be heartless. The multitude can shut the door to the supernatural and the miraculous in your life. The multitude are insensitive to the cry of the poor, the weak, the helpless, the hopeless. The multitude move in whatever direction the wind blows. Do not follow the multitude or allow the multitude to hinder your faith.

This man was reaching out to Yeshua by faith, but the multitude wanted to crush his faith. This man wanted a touch from the Lord, but the multitude imposed itself on him and tried to shut him down. But the man rebelled against their witchcraft. Instead of keeping silent he shouted the more, he reached out the more. He refused to allow anyone shut down his faith. He cried out to the Lord, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me.’ Continue reading

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Filed under power, Teaching

Prayer For Financial Release

Prayer For Financial Release.

May MONEY which belongs to YOU by divine right be released to you.
May your money, imprisoned, chained, buried in secret locations, in secret vaults, in secret accounts, by wicked forces and personalities, be RELEASED to you NOW!

May money produced by your
Business, be RELEASED to you NOW. Continue reading


Filed under Prayer, Teaching