Daily Archives: April 20, 2012

For Men. Making Your Relationship Work.

For Men. Making Your Relationship Work.

1. You should learn to nourish your woman and build her up emotionally, spiritually and mentally. The success of your relationship depends on how well you do this. Study her and find out what works best for her. When you discover this, pour your energy into using it to nourish her.

2. Be genuinely interested in her success. You are a team. There’s no place for competition. Do all you can within your power to help her accomplish her goals. If she’s successful, she will bring that success into the relationship.

3. Enhance her peace and happiness. If she is fearful and has uncertainties about the future, help her see that with God’s help, you will have a great future. Most unhappiness comes as a result of fear of the future. What makes her happy? Bring more of that into her life. However, these things should be positive. If she’s a shopaholic, you cannot afford to support her habit or you will go broke. Do what you can to create an atmosphere of peace in her life.

4. Go out of your way to do something for her that shows that you have been thinking about her. A relationship is a long journey. Learn to invest in your woman and she will respond by bringing your multiplied investment back into the relationship.

5. No one is perfect. Help her work on areas of weakness. Encourage her in the way that she understands. Never make fun of her failures or weaknesses. Be supportive and listen when she talks about her frailties.

6. Protect her. Keep your crazy friends, colleagues and family members away from her. If you hear any negative rumour about her, quell it. Never bring bad news to her hearing. Always protect her emotions. She may be strong, but she’s not as strong as you think she is. Protect her.

7. No matter what happens, never use words to hurt her. Women never forget. 30 years from the day you spoke those words, she will remind you with accuracy at what time of the day you said those words and even describe the weather conditions! If you love her-and love yourself- deliberately speak words that build her up. If you’ve said anything hurtful to her, make sure you apologise as soon as you can. Never postpone fixing your relationship.

8. Pray for her. If you do this regularly, the Lord will show you how to touch areas of her life that need help, healing and encouragement. You should also learn to pray with her as often as you can. Such sessions shouldn’t be prayer marathons, but a heart to heart connection that speaks to heaven. Ask the Lord for direction for your relationship. The Holy Spirit will guide you in the right path. This prayer sessions will cause her to connect with you on a deeper emotional and spiritual level. Always ask the Lord for grace and wisdom to be a blessing to your woman.



Filed under Uncategorized

For Single Ladies. Let Him Go.

For Single Ladies. Let Him Go.

A relationship should be a blessing to you. It should add value to your life and enhance your happiness. It isn’t a life sentence to pain. Some ladies have been hoodwinked by Hollywood to expect pain in their lives as part of their relationship. They experience so much turbulence with their man that you would really wonder if someone wasn’t out to punish them for the sin they committed!

Some ladies suffer abuse daily in their relationship and they think it is a normal part of life. It isn’t. They suffer emotional, verbal, financial, spiritual abuse, but instead of leaving their abusive partner, they hold on tenaciously to the relationship.

Some ladies have become used to pain in their relationship. They wake up with pain; go to sleep with pain; live with pain daily. In fact, if you don’t bring pain into their lives, they think that something is wrong with you. They try to silence the pain with sex, parties, shopping, career success and drugs, but it doesn’t work. What will work is to simply let go.

A relationship is a commitment to the well being of your partner. It is a commitment to the happiness and fulfillment of your partner. You and your partner are in a pact to improve, bring value to and enhance the quality of your lives. If this is not happening, there’s something SERIOUSLY wrong with that relationship.

Ask yourself this simple question: ‘Since I met this guy, what has happened in my life? Has the quality of my life improved? What has been the emotional, spiritual, mental change that has taken place in my life? Am I a better person now? Am I happier now and more at peace? Has this man been a blessing or a curse to me?’ The answer to this question stares you in the face daily. You can lie to everyone, but lady please, don’t lie to yourself.

Struggling with an unhealthy relationship is foolish. Why? You cannot change any man or woman. People DO NOT CHANGE. What you see is what you get. If this man makes you miserable now, guess what he will do to you 5 years from now? If he tortures you emotionally now, it will only get worse tomorrow. If he is an abuser, the abuse will only get worse.

I am talking to you now like my very own sister. Leave this monster to whom you have become emotionally or sexually attached. Leave this misery alone and believe God for a better man who will treat you with the honour and respect you deserve. Some of you have been so emotionally battered that you think no man but this monster will accept you. It is sad but there are beautiful and successful women who have become slaves because they do not know any better.

If you will cry out to The Lord Jesus today and ask him to set you free from this evil relationship, you will receive an answer of peace. The Lord will make a way for you to leave in peace. Some of you who have tried and failed to leave this monster will be surprised that this guy who has sworn never to let you go will be the one to throw you out. Such rejection should be welcomed with joy. That guy will set you free from bondage and give you your life back. When this happens, don’t hesitate or waste another second, walk through the doors of freedom and never look back.

I pray that every power of manipulation, delusion, seduction that has been employed against you be broken. May every form of sexual, spiritual and financial manipulation used against you be broken over your life in Jesus Name. May you be set free from this evil relationship and released to be found by a good man who will love you for who you are and be a blessing to you.



Filed under Single Ladies