Daily Archives: April 29, 2012

For Single Ladies. Honouring Yourself.

For Single Ladies. Honouring Yourself.

1. To honour yourself is to respect, give regard to and highly esteem yourself. If you don’t honour yourself, it is doubtful if any man will ever honour you.

2. To honour yourself is to see yourself worthy of having a good man-no- a great man in your life. When you see yourself worthy of being in such a relationship, you will think, talk and act like someone deserving of such honour.

3. How do you dishonour yourself? You dishonour yourself by being in a relationship with someone whom you think is not good enough for you. You dishonour yourself by allowing fear cloud your mind and make you act foolishly and desperate.

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Filed under Single Ladies

On Whose Terms?

On Whose Terms?

A rich, young man ran after Jesus, knelt before him and asked, ‘Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus told him to keep the commandments. He said he had kept all the commandments from his youth. Jesus looked at him and LOVED him, then said to him, : ‘you lack just one thing, give up your riches and follow me.’

The Bible records that the young man went away sorrowful because he had great possessions. You can read this story in Mark 10:17-27.

The Bible says in Hebrews 13:28, that we should serve God in an acceptable manner, with reverence and godly fear. Basically, it says that we should serve God in a manner that is acceptable to HIM, not to us.We should serve Him the way that He wants to be served, not the way we feel like.Whether you realise this or not, there is an ACCEPTABLE way to serve God.

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Filed under Teaching