Daily Archives: April 28, 2012

For Single Ladies. Give Love A Chance.

For Single Ladies. Give Love A Chance.

1. You were made for connection, for love, for relationship. You were created to give and receive love. It is not good for you to be alone. You were made to have companionship. Being alone is alien to your DNA.

2. So that we are clear, any philosophy that encourages you to live alone, without love, without a man, without companionship, will eventually bring you massive pain.

3. The Bible says that two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labour. The quality of your life is significantly better when you have a good man in your life.
Such a relationship will enhance your happiness.

4. Some ladies have become angry and bitter because of a terrible experience they had in previous relationships. I don’t make light of your past experience, however, bitterness and pain will work against you in ways you cannot even begin to imagine.

5. Anger and bitterness will isolate you from the flow of life and love. These negative emotions will cause you to see life in a negative way. Don’t allow your negative experiences from your past ruin the potential happiness in your future.

6. Some ladies who have been hurt and disappointed in the past blame all their woes on men. They say that all men are bad. Such generalisations will only keep you in the past, in pain, in darkness. The truth is that there are bad men/women and there are good men/women. If you are patient, you will find a good man. Don’t allow fear keep you in bondage. Reach out boldly for love.

7. I will encourage you to forgive and release your past. Let it go. If you don’t release it, you will find it very difficult to trust and connect with a man who likes you. Your inability to trust will make it difficult for others to trust you.

8. Having a good man in your life is a BLESSING. I want you to keep this on your mind. There’s more to gain from having a good man in your life. There’s more you can accomplish with your life when you have a good man in your life.

9. I want you to go to the Lord in prayer and ask for emotional healing. May the Lord heal your emotions from every form of abuse from your past. May the Lord reveal His love to you. May the Lord bring healing to your mind.

10. Give love a chance in your life. Be expectant. Be open. Be loving. When you exude love, you will receive love. May you find true love. May true love find you where you are.



Filed under Single Ladies